You must notify the insurance carrier of an injury within ten days, no matter how minor the injury is. This is done by filing an Employer’s First Report of Injury form. Filing this form is not necessarily an admission of the facts; it is a statement that the employee is making a claim.

If there is an accident where an employee dies, or three or more employees are injured, you must contact your insurance company immediately.

An Injured worker also must file a claim within ten working days of your injury; you should tell your employer about the injury. This must be done in writing. If you were injured more than ten days ago, you should still notify your employer in writing as soon as possible.

Even if your employer did not carry workers’ compensation insurance, you should still file a claim for workers’ compensation, as you may qualify for benefits through the Colorado Uninsured Employer Fund.

If you need a claim form to help in this process of reporting a claim for a Colorado Industrial Injury, please call 970-947-1776

If you need help with your Colorado workers’ compensation reporting, please call Don Kaufman at (970) 947-1776

Donald J. Kaufman, Attorney at Law 2520 Grand Avenue, Suite 110, Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601-4195

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